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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • that workflow seems fine if it works for you. seems overkill for debian but if it works i don’t see anything wrong with it.

    one way I do it is dpkg - l > package.txt to get a list of all install packages to feed into apt on the new machine then to setup two stow directories one for global configs. when a change is made and one for dot files in my home directory then commit and push to a personal git server.

    Then when you want to setup a new system it’s install minimal install then run apt install git stow

    then clone your repos grab the package.txt run apt install < package.txt then run stow on each stow directory and you are back up and running after a reboot.

  • I was in the military as well but other than voting and writing your local and regional Representatives. Which everyone should be doing no mater what. what do you suggest the avg person do to affect geopolitics other than stress ourselves out. Let me know what we should do and I will be there.

    There is no morality in Foreign Policy it all about power be that soft or hard power. That machinery of that power goes back hundreds of years ago. Do you know what I worry about?

    I worry about if my neighbors have enough food to eat. Do the teachers have the supplies to teach our kids the best they can. Building a community support network. These are things I can affect change.

    The sad thing is climate change will take us out and cause more suffering than a true WW3 will ever do and I’m not just talking about the heat. I’m talking water wars that have already started happening. Supply chain issues caused by climate stopping people getting the right medicine another pandemic.

    The rest is just Saber Rattling.