Yeah, that’s truly shocking.
This is a bizarro universe, so maybe China will become the new bastion of democracy once the US completely falls to fascism.
Yeah, that’s truly shocking.
This is a bizarro universe, so maybe China will become the new bastion of democracy once the US completely falls to fascism.
I feel like the decryption code is probably one of those keys.
There isn’t one, clearly.
Lol, no. This is going to be a great depression.
Yup, although that’s not going to happen this time around.
Yeah, I know. They’re looking for an excuse to impose martial law.
Lol, Trump rapes kids
They should know better than to trust Trump to hold up his end of a deal.
Nah, his mom was the one making sure he took his meds.
We’re going to need one hell of a canon
I think Trump might have him killed
Lol, it remains to be seen if the dude throwing Nazi salutes is a nazi
The electoral college was actually intended to prevent this exact scenario. Of course, it failed spectacularly.
You should look up the definition of tacitly.
All that’s required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. If you did nothing to prevent Trump, then you are fully on board with what he promised to do when he’s in power.
It is true. By not opposing fascism, you’re tacitly supporting it.
They literally published a playbook of what they’d do if they won. The contents of it were known. The man straight up said he would be a dictator.
Knowing all of that, if you didn’t oppose him, you were complicit in him gaining power.
I would have just pulled a Trump and agreed then reneged afterwards.
I completely forgot about that show. What a trip
I meant more that they might be trending towards democracy as the rest of the world trends towards fascism.