Yeah as someone from a BRICS nation, I would not trust or put my faith in these people any more than I would American institutions. And I feel pretty confident in saying that even if a BRICS backed currency became dominant, absolutely fuck all would change in the quality or cost of life for the majority of people and the only ones that would be smiling would be the fat cat piece of shit politicians and elites that are already smiling.
Show me where in real life are random individuals able to interrupt your conversations with friends and like-minded people without being told to fuck off or punched in the face? People like you keep peddling this idea that we’re all supposed to ‘meet in the middle’ at all times with bigots that think we don’t deserve human rights, or else we’re the bad ones. Fuck off, what does the ‘middle’ of respecting rights or not respecting rights even look like. And real life doesn’t fucking work like that anyway.
I would not hang out with inbred supremacist ‘alpha’ fucking idiots even if you paid me. And I would not welcome them into my home or my social circles. You’re free to speak but that doesn’t mean that I have to fucking listen.