Did you just call someone a homosexual to insult them? Are you 12? Is “LGBTQ” your version of calling someone a fag these days? Holy shit. I’m an old man, a horrible person, and a complete asshole but even I know how fucking stupid and out of touch a person sounds calling someone a fag LGBTQ.
No wonder even a fascist haven like reddit banned you. They were probably so overcome with cringe and embarrassment that they perma-banned you ASAP.
Did you just call someone a homosexual to insult them? Are you 12? Is “LGBTQ” your version of calling someone a fag these days? Holy shit. I’m an old man, a horrible person, and a complete asshole but even I know how fucking stupid and out of touch a person sounds calling someone a
fagLGBTQ.No wonder even a fascist haven like reddit banned you. They were probably so overcome with cringe and embarrassment that they perma-banned you ASAP.