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Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Modi is in the weird place of being an elected authoritarian, and so he uses that one foot in both worlds-ness to try and be the diplomatic pivot between those spheres.

    The problem, is that Modi is a terrible diplomat, and people come to India not because of his talents, but because India is a sleeping economic giant that could pop off at any instant depending on how their government and society shakes out. Keep in mind that India is still a very much under construction country. India being a collection of colonies and princedoms us still in living memory, and even if it wasn’t, America almost a quarter of a millenia old and even then it is an under construction state and society.

  • I was talking more about how Italian Americans that are native speakers tend to speak a dialect that largely derives from Sicilian and other southern dialects that have since fallen out of use in favor of common italian, which is technically an entirely different language based on a northern dialect.

    The joke is that these sicilian speaking mafiosos will sound like the american cousins because the dialect the Americans speak is closer to sicilian than the modern italian Sicilians are more likely to use in their everyday right now.

    It’s actually a pretty hilariously documented phenomenon across the old world and in multiple places within the new world, where countries that endured a nationalist unification period adopted a common tongue, and in doing so diverged the language from native speakers that had migrated to the Americas.

    Similar sitch with “inauthentic” ethnic cuisine being criticized by others in America and elsewhere in the Americas, it’s not different because it’s inauthentic, it’s different because it’s a preserved cultural artefact which predates a prescriptionist change dictated from the elites (who tended to be from a single language/culture group) to the common public, while the forms seem in the Americas are those predating cultures and traditions.