Hmm, so now I understand one of the many reasons Russia has been going so hard in Ukraine. Not only do they want access to their ports. But they want access to their rare earth minerals. It’s all making sense now. Fucking clowns.
Hmm, so now I understand one of the many reasons Russia has been going so hard in Ukraine. Not only do they want access to their ports. But they want access to their rare earth minerals. It’s all making sense now. Fucking clowns.
New number, who dis? - Ukraine
None that I’ve ever seen. It takes a lot of work to get good graphics even for 60 fps, a lot of optimization, that depending on the type of game, might be very expensive and time consuming to do.
Yes, 30fps is fine, and expected even if you’re also expecting ultra realistic graphics. This expectation that people have of games being 60 fps and being stupid realistic is nonsense. You want realistic graphics and reflections when a game is first released, your gonna get 30 fps. And honestly, you can hardly tell the difference anyway.
Edit: Always expect the downvotes when I say this. The people in gaming subs, almost never understand how games are developed. Just demand without understanding the limitations of hardware and software.
Ticket to ride is really fun. You kind of do your own thing building train routes the whole time. Not too much overlap to block other people unless you know the routes super well, and even then you don’t know what people are going for based on the routes they have to complete. All in all, it’s one of my favorite board games.
A spokesperson who phoned the author at 10:36 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Friday spent the majority of a more than 90 minute discussion attempting to pursuade this publication to stop digging into who was running the Safe Reach Solutions shell company: “I’m not trying to run you off a story, you can do whatever you want. Someone else is going to break that one,” the spokesperson continued, in an apparent reference to their process of burying the detail into a story at The Washington Post. “The next story to write if I’m you, is a piece about the humanitarian [aid] and hostages."
What pieces of shit. He subtly threatened the person trying to interview him, telling them to leave the story alone and stop looking into it.
You can’t just stick your head in the sand and pretend the nazis don’t exist when their plan is to come after you.
If you’re a white straight rich male, I suppose you’re probably fine. Everybody else, I guess we’ll see.
I feel like this could be applied to more than the Linux community. Regardless, this was a heartwarming read.
It’s not too late. Pretty much all climate scientists will tell you that we can limit the damage. This is propaganda spread by oil companies, and it’s been rather effective. They’re no longer denying climate change, shifting the messaging to, well, either it isn’t human driven, or it’s too late to do anything different.
If we don’t stop extracting and burning oil and gas, we’re screwed as a species. But, let’s face it, we’ve stuck our heads in the sand, and decided to call climate change fake so boomers could make a few extra bucks before they kick the bucket.
I’m not looking forward to 4 more years of this dementia riddled jackoff. I still don’t understand why we treated his coup attempt with kid gloves in the first place? Brazil has lived under brutal authoritarian regimes before, and took steps to stamp out the attempted coup by bolsonaro. We should have immediately arrested Trump, and co. Jan 6th was a distraction for the organized attempt behind the scenes. He’ll, trump fired a bunch of pentagon generals trying to find someone who would institute martial law for him.
The fuck does being vegan have to do with anything?
Oh the sweet irony of serving in a military committing genocide and wanting to visit your relative whom is a holocaust survivor.
Beijing, which views Taiwan as part of its territory, has not publicly commented but vowed to defend its sovereignty.
That’s rich coming from the one aggressively trying to take over Taiwan.
Fucking finally! This has been like a decade in the making.
He’s only sorry it wasn’t successful.
If you phrase the question right, even the most fundamentalist person will agree with helping people. Say it was from someone they disagree with and then they immediately disagree with the idea now. It’s become more team sports than actual policy nuance anymore
I don’t really celebrate murder, but I’m certainly not gonna mourn the loss of someone responsible for many preventable deaths bcz they wanted a bigger paycheck.
Mars would be really difficult to live on even if we could get there. My senior design project in college was a mission to mars. The main issues we ran into were radiation on the journey there, radiation on the surface (Mars has a thin atmosphere nd no magnetic field), that means we would need to find caves underground. And Lastly, and probably most importantly, supply lines to Mars would have to be sent ahead of time, and we basically have to just hope everything goes according to plan.
Seems like Elon Musks idiotic dream is to piss away the planet we have so he can get rich. I’d love to make space travel more affordable, and common, but that’s just not the reality we live in.
p.s. I realize you were joking. It just happens to be a topic I know a little bit about.
AOC hands down.