I’ve heard that you can keep your account but delete your Facebook Profile
from a project of its size
Ok but you know that people don’t care about this part at all when they’re looking for alternatives to actually use, right?
Wow finally! Congrats Discord dev team, this is good
Bowtie 100%
You should never ever pirate movies and tv shows by going to or 123movies
Property would lose all meaning, since everything just resets anyways. Experiences are the only thing that would have value. Some property lets you have experiences, but like… just steal it. What does the owner care? No matter what you do to it, it’ll be there again tomorrow in perfect condition, and both they and you have unlimited time to use it.
Chess. Nerd time
Entrance covered by bricks and rubble
Saddam Hussein
Ok wtf
This is the debate about the israel-gaza conflict all over again
Right, it’s not solved yet. But it can be.
I think this one is closer to being solved than we think, because we know the things that can help. Travel and simply meeting other people being the big one. And there are enough people who are accepting of outsiders that we know it’s possible on a large scale.
The idea that people in charge should be better, so their actions can’t be questioned; rather than that they should be better, so their actions should be scrutinized. It’s so backwards and it enables nearly all of the worst abuses of power. It might be harder to fix people being attracted to power or being straight up malicious, but if we could solve the authority problem, then those would have a safeguard in a lot of scenarios. It’s so close to being solvable, too; people grow up experiencing misuses of authority that hurt them, they should understand the problem. But somehow it still seems so prevalent, that authority is treated as being above questioning or consequences. I hate it. But it is possible to change.
Your dev team and management cares about the players, that’s much better than terrible already
Helldivers players have no idea how good they have it. What a bunch of whiny entitled losers lmao
It’s even dumber because they would have no idea even if it were possible and you were.
Oh no