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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yes you don’t get things like Poe Etc. At least not on the zero models. There are hats for the full size pi. But you have full control and they are upgradable. I have a zero w in the official enclosure. Double-sided tape to a wall with a micro b cord plugged into power it. Can access the stream over Wi-Fi and get 30 frames per second 720P easy. Could easily do much better than that even. But the original Raspberry Pi camera module I think is the limitation. Because the cores on the Zero are barely being touched at all. In the low double digits if that.

    It’s so light on resources that if someone had an old USB hub. And some old web cameras laying around. You could run multiple cameras off of a single Raspberry Pi zero. I think you would hit Port bandwidth saturation before you would hit a CPU limit. Unless of course you’re trying to reincode.

  • Hey I’m not the one calling names and failing to address what was said. Perhaps you should look in the mirror. But please do explain how I’m being naive and childish by seeing what leninist governments have done. How Russia massacred the ethnic polish. How China through abject incompetence and hubris killed tens of millions of their own. Ethnically cleansing/genocidiing uighers. Creating a brutal police state that undermines any of the good they accomplished. How they are as bad as capitalist countries on most meaningful measures. And worse on several too.

    I’ll say it again. It’s great China is allowing those that don’t question the party to retire at that age for now. They should afford it to all their citizens as a guarantee. Regardless of their stance on the brutal insecure party. And not have it slide as their economy slides.

    Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely whether you’re a capitalists or a Leninist. Wake up.

  • It’s not reactionary to be against authoritarians though. Whether they are bougie capitalist or bougie leninists/maoists. There are countries that better take care of their retirees. And are not socially repressive authoritarian regimes. It’s genuinely great that China offers that to the people they don’t imprison for asking for their rights and speaking out against the state. But I’m not sure living in a comfortable open air prison would be everyone’s idea of an ideal retirement.

    I’m going to save my praise for the countries that do both.

  • Hey that’s your opinion and your welcome to it. It’s not supported by facts evidence or reality. But that’s never stopped anyone.

    Inevitably. Every single time with people like you this is always what it comes down to. Not a genuine discussion or anything even resembling. Someone agrees with you 99%. But they don’t grind the same pet axe that you grind. Or feel the same need to misrepresent facts as you do. All of a sudden you feel this deep urge. A need to tell someone whose Family actually survived genocide at the hands of the United States what genocide is. What I said was not to defend the United states. It was to not downplay what genocide is. The United States plenty guilty of genocide elsewhere. They’re not committing genocide in this case they are enabling it. And that’s horrible wrong should be charged prosecuted etc etc etc etc etc. It’s not genocide.

  • They should have been prosecuted at the very least. Realistically capitalism should be rained in as a whole. Because it is their duty to do such things in similar cases. But there is a difference. But that doesn’t change facts. They didn’t commit genocide. They enabled it. Which is bad and a crime unto itself. But it’s different which is why we tack The extra word onto it. So no our disagreement comes from the fact that so many people want to imply that aiding and abetting or enabling genocide is the exact same thing as having done it yourself. It’s not and never has been and never will be.

  • Yes but accessory to murder is different. That’s why it’s called accessory to murder. IBM and Dow Chemical supplied Nazi Germany knowing full well exactly what Germany was going to use their products for. They weren’t charged with murder. Unfortunately they weren’t even charged with accessory to murder. They should have been charged with something.

    They’re actually are legitimate reasons to send arms to israel. The problem is that while those legitimate reasons do exist. The fact that the current leadership especially. But pretty much all leadership of Israel has been bigoted and genocidal it conflicts heavily. But again it isn’t some black and white situation as people want to make it out to be. I wish it were.

  • So, the new deal etc didn’t happen. Gotcha.

    It can and does happen. But unfortunately it’s very slow moving. Creeping over generations. Which makes it nearly impossible to see by many. Especially younger people who’ve only known the current situation. The last Peak being back in the silent generation’s lifetime. It happens and we have made progress and will make progress. Especially if we can stop finding scapegoats to blame for why things won’t work. And start working together again showing solidarity like they did back then

  • No it isn’t. I’m not saying it’s right. I’ll criticize it all the time. American companies like IBM and Dow Chemical helped facilitate the Nazis genocide. They were not charged for murder or treated as murderers. Despite knowing exactly what their products were being used for. And the fact that please uses would generally not be considered Justified or acceptable. Only profitable. Sending arms to Israel right now especially is a horrible idea they’re current leadership are genocytomaniacs. But there is legitimate reason to arm Israel historically speaking I’m not saying that I agree with it. But just saying that there is some acceptability even so the situation is very different on many fronts.

  • I disagree. I’m not going to say the ratchet effect doesn’t exist. But I’m going to say that it’s not a major impactor. If you’ve been alive over the last near 50 years and I have. You will have noticed a lot of change that didn’t come about due to the ratchet effect. And a lot of it dies back specifically to that fascist Reagan. His election and time in office absolutely put the Democratic Party in heavy disarray. To the point where honestly even today their still trying to figure out what works.

    And something to remember ratchets can go both ways. I think it’s been so long since people really remember being united voting for democrats. And especially with the Advent of social media and the internet it’s become far more easier to divide the left than ever. And we already self-divided considerably before. But if we actually had some solidarity we could flick the switch and Ratchet back the other way.

  • First of all its ghoulishly disingenuous for you to conflate providing arms. Which is wrong I’m not justifying that. To actually killing people. That’s straight up empty virtue signaling and not solving or convincing anyone of anything.

    I asked who stands a chance. And you quoted it without even answering it. Useless. Right now the only viable option other than R or D in the presidential campaign is a widespread general uprising. Which I’m all for. If you got one let’s go kiddo. But I got news for you. If you don’t. What you’re doing is empty virtue signaling that only helps the worst people around. And makes enemies of possible allies. Which is how I know your words are empty.