
Lots and lots of people lean heavily on it and think that alcohol is the spice of their life. When, it contributes to so many problems than it’s so-called benefits. We tried, in America anyways, to outright ban alcohol. Problem was that the person who wanted it banned, was too extremist.

Like he didn’t think it all through and think just going for the jugular of the problem is what will work. When, it didn’t and just made people work around it until eventually the ban was dismantled.

So, since then, we’ve been putting up with drunk drivers, drunk disputes, drunk abusers and other issues. I still wish we could just slam our hands down at the desk and demand we sit to discuss in how to properly deal with this issue than people proclaiming that it’s not a problem.

    1 month ago

    Antivaxxers and weaponized disinformation that leads to that as well as other problems. I’m not talking about the vaccine hesitant who come around with more education by their doctor, or even the dumbass delayed vaccine schedules they want to do for no sensible reason, all it does is make your kid cry more times than they’d have to, I’m talking about the ones who completely believe in Andrew Wakefield’s shit study with the twelve kids at his son’s birthday party which for some reason they rely upon as the gospel. The ones who are now turning down vitamin K in their newborn so they risk bleeding into their brain, and believe measles isn’t a big deal, just another childhood illness. They’re absolutely insane and fed a diet of this continually by social media dumpster fires like Facebook. As far as I am concerned, Mark Zuckerberg should be tried for war crimes and genocide at the Hague. Here is a comment I saw the other night from one of the plague enthusiasts, which also makes it very clear they don’t care if non-white children die.

    I worked in an ER ten years ago, and while the insanity that has onset with these people since the advent of COVID did not yet exist, there were still some who bought into this nonsense, and they’d come screaming in with their kid who was going downhill fast with whooping cough or whatever, and they are always the most obnoxious pushy people about getting their kid seen RFN. And the thing is you have to because an unvaccinated child has no immune resources to rely upon in their bodies, which one nurse describes as “going to the well”, ie a normal vaccinated person’s body fights back against infection by doubling their heart or breathing rate as their antibodies kick in. A child with no immunity immediately begins to go under and has no such help from their bodies. And the parents are always massive idiots and ask stupid shit about why you aren’t treating them with intravenous vitamin C or doing a CT scan (which there is no reason for) or whatever else they pull out of their primitive forebrains full of garbage. A child with Hib epiglottitis is not going to be able to be intubated and is going to need a tracheostomy, and these parents simply don’t or won’t understand it.