If you don’t have enough money to pay for delivery, you need to be picking it up yourself or, even better, cooking it yourself. DoorDash is horrendously expensive.
Exactly. If you’re even unsure if you can’t pay for delivery, you should be cooking almost every meal yourself. It’s not that hard to make healthy meals in a relatively small amount of time, find some meals you can make in bulk and have a meal-prep day.
Don’t go into debt for delivery, it’s not worth it.
I would say that paying for grocery delivery and cooking it yourself is better. Like, I live in the middle of nowhere, I get it … these services are eye wateringly expensive.
Also, they squeeze their workers.
Food delivery is almost 50-75% more than buying in the restaurant once you account for tip and service fees.
They are useful if you literally can’t drive or cook due to an illness (me right now) but damn they are just terrible for everyday use.
but WhAt AbOuT dIsAbLeD pEoPlE oR aGoRaPhObIc oR OtHeR StRaWmEn ReBuTtaLs
Please don’t finance your lunch
What if I take the money I haven’t spent yet and invest it? If the market gains enough, the lunch is free!
If you’re planing to ‘invest’ your lunch money and get returns big enough to pay for the lunch too, you don’t have a plan, you have a gambling addiction.
Bro just one more small fry, this one is going to the moon bro I can feel it
You must not have checked any financial news lately…
What do you mean, line always go up
Only if you invest in MELANIA
Please don’t put takeout on credit
Unless it’s your credit card that you use for cash back rewards and pay off fully each month.
Which is what maybe 2% of people will be doing because this exists to exploit
I’m sure it’s a lot more than that, but yes you do need to be careful if it’s an issue for you. If you treat it like a debit card and pay things right away it can help to get you in the right mindset. It is free money after all so doing it is better than not.
I do understand where you are coming from, if you are in a good position financially, something like this isn’t an issue. I’m in a spot now where it wouldn’t be an issue for me now but I have lived it in the past. While things like this are fine for people financially secure, it can absolutely snowball for the people it’s intending to attract. It looks easy to manage at first because it’s just a small payment of four, but then you think you can do another or forget, etc, and before you know it, you owe a lot of money without realizing it. I know that financial responsibility can help but it isn’t always that easy, especially with something like this enabling irresponsible spending and being bombarded with “buy, buy, buy” in society. I just think that any benefit I would get from this from rewards just isn’t worth it being available for others to be exploited and getting into needless debt. Things like this make the fact that we’re getting into late stage capitalism more glaring
Sorry, I meant skipping Klarna entirely but still “buying on credit” with a credit card that you pay off at the end of the month. I agree that these services are entirely a trap and should be avoided.
Klarna fees will negate that unless Klarna and DoorDash are dropping the fee.
I meant just buying it with a credit card in the first place and skipping Klarna entirely. I’d never suggest using any of these ‘buy now pay later’ services, especially not for fast food.
In 5 years or less we will be living in a world where people have their paychecks garnished to pay back food loans.
This will be the subprime mortgage crisis of the 2020s.
Sub-prime ribs
Thanks I hate it.
In other news politicians continue to be confused as to why people are angry…
I get that already by paying with my credit card.
A boring dystopia
Not only can you get a private taxi for your burrito but you can get it on a payment plan…
I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today
At 800% markup
This is a horrible idea.
Not for the capitalists running these companies.
In Sweden we’ve been able to do this for years? Any site that has Klarna as a payment option you can choose to add it to your monthly bill or the “pay it later” (I think two weeks) option.
🤢 🤮
Subprime morcels?
If I need to buy now pay later for door dash, I’ll quit ordering food because clearly I can’t afford it.