“We need to collect every bit of information about you so we can target you with only ads you’d be interested in.”
Ah, good times. /s
“We need to collect every bit of information about you so we can target you with only ads you’d be interested in.”
Ah, good times. /s
If I didn’t know better, I would say this sounds like Farley giggling and winking in order to make a play for his next CEO gig.
We’re raised by parents that must be obeyed for our own safety. Some people eventually learn to accept their parents are imperfect people and not gods. Many people do not. They look to kings and gods to protect and provide for them.
Those that have power negotiate with kings and gods. People without power attempt to use the only techniques they know to negotiate with their kings and gods: begging and/or pledging loyalty and service in exchange for scraps.
Of course this is but one of many reasons many people worship power.
Local natural food store sells Homeopathic medicines. We’re talking water selling at the same price as ink jet printer ink.
Don’t let other people tell you how to eat.
If Italians had been gatekeepering 500 years ago, they wouldn’t have tomato-based dishes today.
1 I had assumed votes were private 2 If I don’t hear soon that votes are private, I’ll simply stop participating and return to lurking. I’ll eventually just wander off to the next thing that doesn’t expose my votes to potential bots and/or abusive actors.
If you value your privacy and you have a choice between using a browser to access a service vs installing their app, use the browser.
Online services can get much more information about you through an app vs the browser. Browsers are generally locked down more. Apps in general have access to much more information from your device.
Very few people have a truly diverse software experience base. Many humans without a large, diverse experience base have trouble imagining there are problems outside their own experience.
There are millions of different problems that need software solutions. People with limited experience have opinions as to the “best” software.
People with large, diverse experience bases tend to be a bit more circumspect and can understand there is no single best answer. The “best” software for a given task depends on many things, including the problem, the schedule, the availability of resources, etc.