It really puts your suspension of disbelief to the test, and all the characters are terrible. I actually thought the netflix show was better than the book because the characters were alot more relatable.
It really puts your suspension of disbelief to the test, and all the characters are terrible. I actually thought the netflix show was better than the book because the characters were alot more relatable.
I love using Wednesdays to clear leave (I know, not the best day in terms of utility for holidays and stuff) as you essentially create a new Friday. Work is so much more bearable.
Have you heard of our lord and saviour rclone?
I haven’t gone back to rsync in a long time.
Nah you gotta alias ls -a to la for more efficiency.
Honestly I liked it initially but it got boring quickly, just generally the same pattern of runs.
I use dust all the time at work, it’s fantastic.
I never watched sixth sense but I’ve already had it spoiled :(
They make really good coasters, will recommend.
Yea, talk about overcomplicating a simple task.