Dixie flags are usually a dog whistle for racism
Dixie flags are usually a dog whistle for racism
Secession is a nice idea, but merging into Canada is a nonstarter.
Canada is 40 million people, New York is 20 million. That kind of influx would be insane to manage. And that’s just one state…
I can only think of east/west Germany as the closes parallel and they are still merging the halves.
I’m honestly surprised the MIC would let things deteriorate this much for the US defense industry. The next 15 years will be really bad for them, especially if European based companies can supplant their contracts other globally
Purely from a business perspective, the MIC must like the war in Ukraine and I would have thought their united lobbying efforts would be enough to save Ukraine from 0 US aid…
You agreed to the ToS given by the library.
Hence why you have to get a library card to check out a book.
That license does nothing.
Your comments aren’t licensed because you put something in them. It’s stopping nothing. Licensing is an agreement, and requires parties to consent. You don’t just magically force licenses onto people.
If this was real I could license my comments where if you read them, you owe me 10k.
This is the digital equivalent of sovereign citizens.
New York would be a state affected by the power freeze?