You must be smoking some good shit.
The US did not allow nukes in Cuba in the 60s. We very nearly had a nuclear war over it. You think the US will roll over and allow a second tier power like France to do it now?
You must be smoking some good shit.
The US did not allow nukes in Cuba in the 60s. We very nearly had a nuclear war over it. You think the US will roll over and allow a second tier power like France to do it now?
Yeah… you physically did everything possible to bring what is coming to pass.
Keep spinning that narrative.
Lol, keep on spinning that cognitive dissonance web. I love to hear the excuses.
How’s that anti-Harris sentiment working out for you?
How’s that anti-Harris sentiment working out for you?
No doubt they are intended to cleave the U.S.A.’s greatest asset from it. Our allies and the rules based global order. Russia and China can not defeat it.
But they can defeat a weakened isolated USA. Or better yet they can establish their own regional hegemony when the USA that has no further interest in foreign intervention.
If Trump does raise tariffs across the board on Canada and Mexico we will have stagflation well within 6 months. There will be nothing the Fed can do to stop it as this is not market driven. There is no way they can even pretend wages can keep up with a sudden artificial 25% price increase.
Stop buying his shitty cars. If his Tesla stock tanks the rest of his empire will crumble.
The US won’t let Space X go under. They will nationalize it and let current management run it. But the rest of his business ventures will go under without Tesla propping them up.
Yeah no, Europe is toast. For most of the continent the demographics are terminal. In the US we have a large Millennial and gen Z population that can replace the boomers. Europe doesn’t have that.
People between the ages of 25 to 45 power the economy through consumption because they are trying to establish households and families. They do not have enough young people to support their own industries. Much like China they need export markets like the US where consumption is strong to stay afloat. The US is the only rich market that will be consumption driven for the next 20 or 30 years before our it’s demographics begin to fail.
However, Trump is all bluster, he will back down if he can score some kind of win even if it is small. He can’t start trade wars with most of the world’s major economies without inciting rampant inflation in the US. That’s why he didn’t implement his tariffs on day one of his presidency like he promised. Ignore him or give him something small and he will go away.
Stop giving him attention and taking his words seriously. He is just trying to dominate the news cycle.
Yep there it is.
Such a black and white attitude towards the world. You must be fun at parties.
No one can predict the future but Ukraine has caught Russia unprepared by rushing small but well equipped units to the front to take land during the Kursk offensive and then rush reinforcements in afterwards.
It’s not out of the realm of possibility for Russia to do the same in the Baltics.
Republicans are not a monolithic entity.
There are people like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and Megan McCain who are all right wing Dbags but see Trump for what he is. Aside from the tech bros like Elon Musk there are those in the business community that do not support Trump because they don’t have a seat at the table.
They failed just as much as Biden and the Democrats did to stop this.
NATO is not a monolithic defense shield. There are weak points that Russia can go after.
The Baltics are made up of very small nations that Russia even in its current state could roll through in a few days.
Once they take those countries they can just sit on them and declare that they will use nukes to defend them.
That leaves NATO in a very bad position militarily of having to retake those countries with the very real threat of nuclear war. It will test the resolve of Alliance members especially those who aren’t immediately adjacent to Russia and are not threatened by them militarily. Will they risk the lives of their people?
Combine that action with China trying to take Taiwan and a US that is not very reliable under Trump and it’s not nearly as cut and dry as you think it may be.
You’re not wrong. Republicans and Dems at every level had 4 years to stop this shit show and failed miserably.
Absolutely but we are fucking over Elon right now… and that is all that matters at the moment.
It is not meaningless to deny X/Twitter content and legitimacy. It may not be the solution you want but it ultimately hurts X/Twitter which hurts Elon. That’s all that matters to most people.
Those stances aren’t mutually exclusive. Both arguments can be right at the same time.
It’s going to be fun explaining to MAGA why electricity and Natural gas prices in the US rise dramatically in the next three years.
We have extremely low prices compared to the rest of the world mostly because a lot of our gas is kept domestically. Believe me energy companies would export if they could but we don’t have enough infrastructure to service the global market and the Biden administration has dragged its feet approving that infrastructure to keep prices low and satisfy environmentalists.
By promoting our domestic gas for export and removing regulations keeping export infrastructure from being built we will be raising our own prices at home…
Dumb fucks.
Russia was a peer adversary and we had a very intelligent and calm president at the time.
Today France can’t project power into Africa without the US providing logistical support and our President is nuttier than a fruitcake and is itching to let the military off the chain with any pretext to annex Canada.
Dream on.