• jorp@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Enjoy it while you can, capitalism is actively destroying our climate and causing never before seen levels of wealth inequality. Fascism is the inevitable next step and is rapidly approaching. It will not perpetuate much longer whether by self-destruction, or hopefully, by replacement so that we can continue to thrive as a species.

    • Emmie@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      That’s doomer speak from too much scrolling. I once too believed these things for a time but the world hasn’t ended, improved even. I am no longer as depressed and regained clarity of mind.
      I hope you too can find peace and see the reason before all the time dwindles out like a sand from between your fingers.

      I am typing it lying on my huge bed, with cat at my side, full fridge, iPhone, iPad, car with full tank in the garage, 100 sqm apartment I own in the comfy part of the city. Steady, mostly passive income. Free healthcare working ok, education.

      Why would I want communism? I would have to be not okay in the head

      • killingspark@feddit.org
        1 month ago

        If you have mostly passive income to pay for all that you are actively taking the gains produced by the labour of others that are most likely not as comfortable as you. Are you ok with that, or do you at least get why people get frustrated at that?

        • Emmie@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          Life ain’t no Disneyland sweetheart. Some are on the losing side and some are the winners.

          I will win no matter the system. It’s merely a different set of rules to bend and leverage

          • killingspark@feddit.org
            1 month ago

            I get that being on the winner side is convenient. I am too. I just see that constantly winning seems to lead the world into a pretty bad state overall where, suddenly, noone is a winner anymore.

            And all it would take to not get into the disaster scenario would be some redistribution. Doesn’t even mean you can’t be a winner anymore. Just means you get to win less hard.

            • Emmie@lemm.ee
              1 month ago

              I am still not gonna vote for communism and neither socialism. Good luck with that stuff. It’s isolated to niche internet communities for good reasons.

              • killingspark@feddit.org
                1 month ago

                Is that good reason that there is a minority that profits greatly from capitalism that has a majority convinced that they might once also be part of that winning team even though that believe isn’t substantiated by any statistics, but the opposite is very much empirical proven?

                • Emmie@lemm.ee
                  1 month ago

                  No the good reason is that communism and socialism cannot exist as realistic economic principles. Now I remember what was it all about.

                  Communism is a system that lacks any motivation to do the work. There is no award. No gratification of ownership, getting higher on the ladder.

                  Thus it never works and countries starve.

                  What’s funny is that there are no examples of successful communism and thus all the attempts are proclaimed as ‘no true communism’.

                  The reason capitalism works is because it utilizes human greed. It needs boundaries and restraints of course because greed is infinite. We get the cream top achievers make and redistribute it to incentivise bottom ladder to climb.

                  State protects the vulnerable and minorities and sets boundaries. Upper boundary is the climate one. Lower one is essential necessities one.

                  And this is the ideal that some countries actually achieved. Unlike ideal of communism that never got even close. So instead of thinking about some utopias let’s just adopt everywhere the tried and true system.

                  • killingspark@feddit.org
                    1 month ago

                    Communism is a system that lacks any motivation to do the work. There is no award. No gratification of ownership, getting higher on the ladder.

                    Thus it never works and countries starve.

                    That is just bullshit that assumes people only work if there is a monetary benefit to be achieved. The most common provided reason is “human nature” which is easily disproven. There are many examples of societies where cooperation without this has worked.

                    What’s funny is that there are no examples of successful communism and thus all the attempts are proclaimed as ‘no true communism’.

                    There is a wide range of why communist experiments have failed. Most of the time it is because the revolution was compromised leading to authoritarian communism. I’m just going to hint to you that there are other, more desirable forms of communism. Which of them is “true” communism is not for me to decide.

                    The reason capitalism works is because it utilizes human greed. It needs boundaries and restraints of course because greed is infinite. We get the cream top achievers make and redistribute it to incentivise bottom ladder to climb.

                    This meritocratic ideology is what is being used to justify the differences between peoples incomes and way more importantly their wealth. Which is weird because the most common way of achieving wealth today is not by working hard but by inheritance, which has decidedly nothing to do with being a “top achiever”.

                    State protects the vulnerable and minorities and sets boundaries. Upper boundary is the climate one. Lower one is essential necessities one.

                    The state protects first and foremost the right to ownership, which is not aligned with the desirable goals of protecting minorities and setting boundaries. It is aligned with these goals only so far as it keeps the status quo going, which means maximizing the profits for the few right up to the point where the many do not yet revolt.

                    And this is the ideal that some countries actually achieved.

                    I’m going to go ahead and have a laugh right here. What basically every “developed” state on earth has achieved is a system that allows capital to accumulate in the hands of ever few people. This isn’t an opinion by the way, this is a straight up fact and has nothing to do with political views.

                    Unlike ideal of communism that never got even close. So instead of thinking about some utopias let’s just adopt everywhere the tried and true system.

                    The tried and true system is currently throwing us all in a climate crisis if the IPCC reports are to be believed. Which I think they can be. The tried and true system is accumulating the global wealth in the hands of very few people. The tried and true system is failing to implement a tax system that would actually allow to redistribute this wealth. Instead this tried and true system is forcing nations into a betting war for ever lower taxes on wealth “to keep production in their country” while the companies go around chasing the lowest taxes further fueling this circle.

      • jorp@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Ignoring climate change and its root causes will surely make it go away.

        Your zen bullshit is costing future generations.

        • Emmie@lemm.ee
          1 month ago

          You got some point with the climate, we should do more for sure. But seeing communism as some kind of holy grail solution is absurd.

          Problem is no one wants to resign from all the goodies and comforts. We could solve it overnight if only people truly were ready for sacrifices but everyone uses maximum excuses to not do anything.

          Some wait for communism to solve it. Very comfortable position. We all have our scapegoats.

          • jorp@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            A socialist economy where workers own the businesses means that the people making the decisions will be sensitive to their impact on the average person, rather than multi billionaires building bunkers to survive the collapse.

            It means people will not vote to pollute their own water supply to make a buck.

            It’s not a holy grail, but it’s a solution because it makes the economy democratic rather than dictatorial.

            • Emmie@lemm.ee
              1 month ago

              Let me tell you what happened here some time ago.
              After the government seized the means of production to people they gave each worker a share in the company.
              On that same day the workers sold it or lost it, bought vodka or cigarettes for the few pennies they made. Not much was left in the original hands. Someone bought the majority.

              The ideal economic system works perfect under perfect conditions. Capitalism works ok under most of conditions.

              Evolution of economic systems is not a history of choosing the perfect one but elimination of these that failed.