
New research suggests humans and Neanderthals interbred around 45,000 years ago, refining earlier estimates.

Genetic analysis of ancient human remains from the Czech Republic and Germany revealed Neanderthal DNA, aiding in pinpointing the timeline.

A separate study highlights how Neanderthal genes related to immunity and metabolism helped early humans adapt outside Africa.

Modern humans still carry Neanderthal genetic traits, influencing skin color, hair color, and nose shape. Future studies aim to further unravel humanity’s genetic history and connections to extinct relatives like Denisovans.

      3 months ago

      That is of course possible and ultimately we will never know.

      I don’t have hard data on this, but if interbreeding between slaves / sex-slaves and whites would have been widespread I think there would be a lot more interracial people in the US. As it is the black and white ethnicities remain still notably separated, with laws up into the 1960 making it a crime to have partner that is not one’s own race.

      And yes, 1865 to now is a vastly smaller time frame than 45.000 years, and if we make it that long one the picture would be a different one.