• Snowflake@sh.itjust.works
    2 months ago

    They could have accepted that two state partition plan back in '47. Instead they launched a war on Israel months later trying to remove it from the map. They don’t want peace. They won’t take a two state solution. 80% of them currently support and agree with what happened October 7th. They currently support Hamas, just like they supported them when they voted for Hamas which ran on “we are going to destroy Israel.”

    This past few decades they have been housed, fed, their population exponentiallly grew and continues to grow from 500k in '47 to currently 5.5 million. But no yeah, evidence of apartheid and trauma and whatever lala land fairytale they sell you.

    • acargitz@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      Nice dehumanization and victim blaming you got going there pardner.

      • Snowflake@sh.itjust.works
        2 months ago

        Same with you. When they attack it’s “yeah but the overblown atrocities they’ve faced over the decades” “look what they’ve done to them over the decades”

        Meanwhile in reality land Israel housed, fed, provided medicine allowing their population to grow from 500k to 5.5M. They let them continue after Palestine launched a full blown invasion to destroy Israel from the world in 1948. Even after losing they let them prosper all these decades.

        • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          The Israeli imposed closure on Gaza began in 1991, temporarily, becoming permanent in 1993. The barrier began around Gaza around 1972. After the ‘disengagement’ in 2007, this turned into a full blockade; where Israel has had control over the airspace, borders, and sea. Under the guise of ‘dual-use’ Israel has restricted food, allocating a minimum supply leading to over half of Gaza being food insecure; construction materials, medical supplies, and other basic necessities have also been restricted. This has been a deliberate tactic of De-development.

          Gaza Policy Forum summary: Experts agree that Israel’s dual-use policy causes acute distress

          Through 1993 Israel imposed a one-way system of tariffs and duties on the importation of goods through its borders; leaving Israel for Gaza, however, no tariffs or other regulations applied. Thus, for Israeli exports to Gaza, the Strip was treated as part of Israel; but for Gazan exports to Israel, the Strip was treated as a foreign entity subject to various “non-tariff barriers.” This placed Israel at a distinct advantage for trading and limited Gaza’s access to Israeli and foreign markets. Gazans had no recourse against such policies, being totally unable to protect themselves with tariffs or exchange rate controls. Thus, they had to pay more for highly protected Israeli products than they would if they had some control over their own economy. Such policies deprived the occupied territories of significant customs revenue, estimated at $118-$176 million in 1986. (Arguably, the economic terms of the Gaza—Jericho Agreement modify the situation only slightly.)

          • page 240

          In a report released in May 2015, the World Bank revealed that as a result of Israel’s blockade and OPE, Gaza’s manufacturing sector shrank by as much as 60 percent over eight years while real per capita income is 31 percent lower than it was 20 years ago. The report also stated that the blockade alone is responsible for a 50 percent decrease in Gaza’s GDP since 2007. Furthermore, OPE (com- bined with the tunnel closure) exacerbated an already grave situation by reducing Gaza’s economy by an additional $460 million.

          • Page 402

          The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development - Third Edition by Sara M. Roy

    • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      The settlements and Zionist aggression led by the head of the Labor Party, David Ben-Gurion, planned for the forcible transfer (Plan Dalet) of the Palestinians while rejecting any Bi-National State Solution in favor of Partition. The alternative to Partition was a Unitary State.

      On 31 August 1947, UNSCOP presented its recommendations to the UN General Assembly. Three of its members were allowed to put forward an alternative recommendation. The majority report advocated the partition of Palestine into two states, with an economic union. The designated Jewish state was to have most of the coastal area, western Galilee, and the Negev, and the rest was to become the Palestinian state. The minority report proposed a unitary state in Palestine based on the principle of democracy. It took considerable American Jewish lobbying and American diplomatic pressure, as well as a powerful speech by the Russian ambassador to the UN, to gain the necessary two-thirds majority in the Assembly for partition. Even though hardly any Palestinian or Arab diplomat made an effort to promote the alternative scheme, it won an equal number of supporters and detractors, showing that a considerable number of member states realized that imposing partition amounted to supporting one side and opposing the other.

      • A History of Modern Palestine by Ilan Pappe, Page 181

      Plan Dalet, Declassified Massacres, Details of Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948)

      The settlements represent land-grabbing, and land-grabbing and peace-making don’t go together, it is one or the other. By its actions, if not always in its rhetoric, Israel has opted for land-grabbing and as we speak Israel is expanding settlements. So, Israel has been systematically destroying the basis for a viable Palestinian state and this is the declared objective of the Likud and Netanyahu who used to pretend to accept a two-state solution. In the lead up to the last election, he said there will be no Palestinian state on his watch. The expansion of settlements and the wall mean that there cannot be a viable Palestinian state with territorial contiguity. The most that the Palestinians can hope for is Bantustans, a series of enclaves surrounded by Israeli settlements and Israeli military bases.