The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has published a major new report documenting how the Israeli prison system has become “a network of torture camps,” where physical, psychological and sexual abuse of Palestinian prisoners is normalized and routine.

The report, titled “Welcome to Hell,” collects the testimony of 55 Palestinians who were detained by Israeli authorities since October 7 and later released, almost all without charges. This comes as a group of U.N. experts condemned the widespread torture of Palestinians and as Israel’s Channel 12 News aired shocking footage of Israeli soldiers sexually abusing a prisoner at the Sde Teiman army base, where thousands of detainees from Gaza are held.

Sarit Michaeli, the international advocacy lead for B’Tselem, says the abuse in Israeli prisons is “systemic, ongoing and state-sanctioned,” reflecting the cruelty and thirst for revenge among a growing number of Israelis. “They would like to have a completely open field in terms of what they can do to Palestinians,” says Michaeli.

You can find the full report of testimonies here

    1 month ago

    Political rights deprived as well as civil.

    They can, and do, become citizens. The procedure is the same as for everyone else. Are you telling me that black people in South Africa were able to do that.

      1 month ago

      Naturalization remains the primary means of acquiring full citizenship rights, but the process is complex and discourages many. Nowadays, most Zainichi Koreans are descendants of the forced labourers in the 1920s, so they were born and raised in Japan and speak only Japanese, but they are not eligible for citizenship unless one of their parents is Japanese. Furthermore, as it is against the law in Japan to have two nationalities,

      Go on how they do and can become citizens. I don’t know how many braincells I’ve lost talking to you. It’s easier for a Palestinian to get citizenship in Israel than it is for a zainichi Korean. They can’t even be Korean anymore to get citizenship. Dude what the fuck are you talking about here.

        1 month ago

        It’s easier for a Palestinian to get citizenship in Israel

        Hell no. Should Zainichi have an easier path to citizenship? I do think so, here in Germany we have an accelerated procedure for people who were born and went to school here, no matter the parentage. Is it any more involved to get Japanese citizenship as a Zainichi than as a German? Nope.

        Not allowing dual citizenship isn’t anything out of the ordinary either, btw.

          1 month ago

          People born in Germany are given citizenship. Zainichi Koreans are not in Japan. There is no accelerated procedure for zainichi Koreans who went to school. In fact japanese law even makes it harder for Korean schoolchildren.

          One of the continuing contentious issues for Koreans in Japan is education. The Japanese government in 2003 made graduates from most international schools and foreign schools – as well as Japanese schools – eligible for the university entrance examination. This has not been extended to most Korean schools (with the exception of a small number of Mindan-run schools), meaning that Korean students from these schools remain seriously disadvantaged. There also exists other forms of continuing discrimination against Korean schools, with donations to foreign schools being tax-exempt, but not those to Korean schools. Since most Korean schools are thus still not recognized as regular schools, children attending these schools will also risk discrimination in employment. The government of Japan also excludes Korean schools from the high school tuition-waiver programme, which was introduced by the government in April 2010, although the programme covered foreign schools authorized as miscellaneous schools. Many local governments have cancelled financial support for Korean schools as well.

            1 month ago

            People born in Germany are given citizenship.

            Not in general, no.

            If your argument was “Japan should adopt German-style laws and give citizenship to children of permanent residents” then I’d say yes, that’s a good idea. Your argument, however, is “Japan has Apartheid, Zainichi can’t use the same beaches as Japanese, are forced to live in segregated areas, have a different set of laws applied to them”. Because that is what Apartheid means. You’re trivialising the concept with your accusation.

            • Keeponstalin@lemmy.worldOP
              1 month ago

              Yeah pretty much, if they genuinely cared about human rights violations they would look into the Apartheid reports by Amnesty, B’TSelem, or HRW with the same earnest as Japan’s human rights violations during WWII and their current discriminatory policies.

                1 month ago

                The argument is again: people don’t give a shit about any other apartheid countries. It’s only antisemites who use the word.

                with the same earnest as Japan’s human rights violations during WWII and their current discriminatory policies

                It’s funny because the other day you tried showing me a map that started in 1945(6 years after WW2 started) portraying some completely bs ethnic cleansing commencing before the Palestinians got 8 countries to invade and attempt to destroy Israel.


                You proceeded to list to me discriminatory practices Israel allegedly did against those people up until today.

                Alright dude.

                • Keeponstalin@lemmy.worldOP
                  1 month ago

                  Again, your argument makes literally no sense. If you read the actual reports describing in detail every aspect, from law to practice, of Apartheid in Israel, you would understand the reality of Apartheid both codified in law and practiced on-the-ground.

                  Second, stop acting like criticism of Israel committing crimes against humanity and settler Colonialism is antisemitic. Anti-zionism is not antisemitism. Israel, and their actions, has not and never will represent all Jewish people. Jewish people who criticize Zionism, which has been the case since it’s inception, are not antisemitic or ‘self-hating jews.’ This conflation is genuinely antisemitic, and promotes actual antisemitism. Nazis love that conflation, because they can point at Israel and contribute all their crimes against humanity to the entirety of all Jewish people. Which is completely ridiculous. So stop with the conflation.

                  Third, yes, because the ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinian population has been central to Zionism, a Settler Colonialist ideology, since the late 1800’s. This is not conjecture, this is historical fact researched in depth by many historians, many even Israeli, with many sources, including official declassified Israeli documents.

                  You have a completely revisionist understanding of the history of Palestine. I suggest you try to prove yourself wrong by reading some works by historians if you feel so certain about what you think you know.

                  The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 - Nur Masalha

                  A History of Modern Palestine - Ilan Pappe

                  The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe

                  The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories - Ilan Pappe

                  The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi

                  The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences - Avi Shlaim

                  The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development - Sara Roy

                  New Historian Aricles on One vs. Two State Solution:

                  How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution

                  ‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe

                    1 month ago

                    There is no ethnic cleansing when that ethnic population in the area went from 500k to 5 million.

                    You say this ethnic cleansing started in the late 1800s? You are the one with a completely revisionist idea of history. When Jews immigrated to the area in the late 1800s they were first met with hostility towards them. Their land often pillaged by Arab marauders. All while they were starving and struggling to carry water on camel back to their settlement.

                    There was no settler colonialism in the late 1800s. Even the first wave of settlers faced hostility from the Palestine-Arabs.

                    They’ve made it their own prison even before they attempted to invade and destroy Israel on 1948.