My brother seems to not care about his online privacy. He registers to services too easily without pondering, he’s not outraged we need a fucking account to use a vacuum cleaner, it seems he doesn’t care about all the potential risks of having videos of our indoors saved in a cloud. I don’t have strong arguments to convince him that privacy matters other than “if someone gets that, you could be in trouble” and “it’s like having someone watching you h24” and so on. How can i persuade him?

  • Todd
    29 days ago

    Ask him for his passwords, and when he says no, ask him to explain why. He’ll surely have things he doesn’t want you to access. Then explain that other people he doesn’t even know have that access right now, because he keeps thoughtlessly giving away digital access using apps and linked accounts.

    If he gives you his passwords, log into his stuff and print his browser history or something. Stick it to his fridge.