I look forward to maybe buying this in 5-10 years when it’s on sale with dlc for a reasonable price.
I look forward to pirating this shortly after release day and getting the game plus all future DLC for free.
I’m a bit torn. On one hand it seems like a step back from the Civ 6 cartoon garbage. On the other hand the ground textures still look like blurry paint vomit. It’s kinda weird because the foliage and mountains / rocks seem to be in a higher resolution and much more detailed. I guess it might be WIP and a remnant from Civ 6. The unit sizes also seem gargantuan? I guess that part would not be as hard to fix via mods but that was already a compatibility nightmare before, especially when the mod authors quit.
So, graphically it might be a buyable Civ game again, but… Picking a new civ or mismatching leaders makes me worry though, because that sounds awfully familiar to another game that had a similar terrible feature. The Aztecs turning into France while being led by some Japanese dude just does not feel right.
The FOMO unlocks to bait you into signing up AND buying the cartoon shit are a hard pass for me though. Selling that as a “thank you” is nothing but insolent.
Didn’t even see the UI. Effectively an in-game cinematic trailer.
Hope there’s more forthcoming soon. Civ’s gotten to a point where I have to know if there’s enough to chew on in the vanilla game if I’m going to buy in early.
There’s a 20 minute gameplay reveal today, this is just the trailer
Civ 2 is still peak for me, although I did like Leonard Nimoy’s contribution to Civ IV.
The best civ is always your first.
In that case it should be the original on the Amiga 500 😄, but I still prefer the improvements in Civ 2.
My first impressions:
- I like the art style, I’ll have to see about the leaders.
- Gwendolyn Christie is a really good choice for the narrator.
- I don’t like the sound of there only being three ages, but maybe there’s more to it.
- Also not sure about switching civs mid-game, but being able to do things like a French Cleopatra might be fun.
- Are they going to restrict this to avoid potentially offensive combos, especially in multiplayer? I’m thinking of things like using real-world colonizers for leaders of places they occupied (like an English ruler in charge of India and stuff like that.) At the very least it seems like they’re inviting trouble unnecessarily.
- The prices are completely bonkers, nearly $170 CAD for the Founders Edition! This is gonna be the first Civ game in a long time that I don’t pick up on launch day.
- I don’t like the sound of there only being three ages, but maybe there’s more to it.
I thought the same thing. I’m guessing more will be added via DLC?
Which is a scummy move tbh
From what I’ve heard, the ages are going to be much longer and more game-changing that Civ 6 eras. Like age of exploration unlocking new parts of the world and new era appropriate civs to play with.
Isn’t civ a game about colonisation? If the stuff you described is offending to some, the whole game already is to them.
No, you’re thinking about Sid Meier’s Colonization
Wish it didn’t require a 2k account. don’t need another account to play a video game.
It doesn’t. They mentioned there would be a unique skin for Napoleon if you signed up but it didn’t sound required.
Ah, so that’s why your leader now appears when you are communicating with a different civ. They had to add this for bullshit skins monetization.
Edit: I wonder if this will be moddable: I now wanna see Master Chief teabagging Cleopatra when I declare war
It’s the same as civ 6. Having a 2k account gave an extra leader for Rome, all leaders have unique abilities, it’s not just cosmetic.
It is probably moddable as custom leaders were possible in civ 6
The steam page literally says that it requires a 3rd party account for online play (just not required for offline play). so I’m not sure if that’s what you’re referencing.
It’s probably to make cross-platform easier (since it’s releasing same day on all platforms)
I found it a bit awkward that pretty much everyone talking about these world cultures was white.
they took features from humankind and added them in for some reason
I like Humankind.
I like the civ switch since you can change you priorities each age. Also I like having a leader I actually like with a civ I like.
Let’s me do what I want to do the entire campaign instead of having to be stick with some stuff I don’t like just to play with the things I do like.
I’m terrible at these games so I can’t speak to balance and strategy and stuff. I use lots of auto stuff or relying on suggested choices from advisors lol.